Our local dollhouse club took part in the local dollhouse fair last weekend here in Turku.Our club had many pieces in the exhibition and a fair stand to sell our products. There was a really nice atmosphere and it was fun to meet everyone who visited our stand.
Tässä minun työni näyttelyssä:
Here are my two roomboxes at the exhibition:
Kuhinaa kävi sekä näyttelyssä että myyntipöydässämme.
"Vältyin" (vain vaivoin) isommilta ostoksilta ja rahanmenolta, mutta jotain pientä tuli tietenkin hankittua. Takkapuita Marjalta, vähän kankaita, kananmunia, jogurtteja ja kissanruokaa Leea Lehelmältä ja marjanpoimurin, sitruspusertimen ja pullasudin Mirka Salosen pöydästä.
I "managed" (barely) not to buy anything expensive, but one always has to get something small for the dollhouse at the fair. I got some firewood, fabrics, an egg carton, yoghurts, cat food, a picker for berries, citrus squeezer and a tiny little bun brush.
Nice purchases! Everything you picked is darling! xo Jennifer
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