Tammikuun synttärisankarina oli Tanja, joka kertoi tekevänsä taloa valkoisella sisustuksella, joten pakkasin hänelle pakettiin valkoisen peilin ja kaksi valkoista kynttilälampettia, joissa myös pieni peili. Peilin ja lampettien kehykset on tehty kutistemuovista. Lampetteihin tarvittiin lisäksi paperiliittimet, pari pientä helmeä, korunosia ja hammastikut.
I am attending a birthday swap that is going on for the whole year of 2016 with eleven other dollhouse enthusiasts. I did not know the other participants before, I just signed up for the swap in the dollhouse hobbyists' facebook group. The idea is that everyone gets eleven presents on their birthday from the other participants and everyone sends all the other eleven participants a present on their birthday. Tanja was the first birthday-girl in January. She had mentioned that she is decorating an all-white house, so I made her a white framed mirror and two white sconces with white candles. The frames are made of shrink plastic.
Un conjunto precioso, feliz fin de semana:-)
VastaaPoistaKaunis kokonaisuus :)
VastaaPoistaIhana synttärilahja.
VastaaPoistaEs un conjunto muy bonito!!!!